Shared Prosperity Fund

Flintshire Community Key Fund


Provides support for community led and / or community owned venues / facilities / spaces / groups to develop, strengthen and enhance community infrastructure and community-based projects. The fund provides a wrap­around support function for community groups to access a Community Key Fund. The project also offers officer support and guidance.

The aim:

  • Spread opportunities and improve public services, especially in those places where they are weakest.
  • Restore a sense of community, local pride and belonging, especially in those places where they have been lost.
  • Empower local leaders and communities, especially in those places lacking local agency.

The objectives:

  • Strengthen our social fabric and foster a sense of local pride and belonging, through investment in activities that enhance physical, cultural and social ties and access to amenities, such as community infrastructure and local green space, and community led projects.
  • Building resilient, healthy and safe neighbourhoods, through investment in quality places that people want to live, work, play and learn in, through targeted improvements to the built and natural environment innovative approaches to crime prevention.

Who can Apply:

The following types of organisations may apply for funds which provide or as seeking to provide access to community led services and community infrastructure for communities across Flintshire:

  • Voluntary and community groups
  • Community Councils / Town Councils
  • Registered Charities
  • Social enterprises, including companies limited by guarantees, CICs and Development Trusts, provided they operate on a not ­for ­profit basis (including credit unions), CIC’s by shares are excluded from this fund
  • Co­operatives

Project proposals can be made by a consortium of groups, but where this is the case, a lead partner should be identified in the Project Proposal Form.  Individuals cannot propose projects to the Key Fund.

All applicants must have a constitution and bank account as a minimum.

What is Available:

Pre-Project Development Funding Support:

Up to £10,000 per group to support communities to take the first step to realise and implement projects and will fund

  • Feasibility studies (e.g. for a new community ventures such as assets transfer, community buildings (extensions or new build),
  • Specialist consultancy (e.g. architect and surveyor costs).


Community Key Fund:

Up to £50k revenue and capital can be applied for depending on the nature and impact of the project:

  • a small grant application form of £2,000 to £10,000
  • a large grant application form of £10,000 ­ £50,000 (larger amounts can be considered whereby projects can demonstrate they can deliver multiple benefits).


To support community projects which:

  • Provide community spaces, such as village halls, green spaces or community centres for local civil society and community groups to use;
  • Enable locally owned renewable energy generation and waste management to improve the transition to low carbon living;
  • Create and improve community local green spaces, community gardens, watercourses and embankments, along with incorporating natural features and biodiversity improvements into wider community space;
  • Deliver and support community led local arts, cultural, heritage and creative activities;
  • Deliver access to services via local sports facilities;
  • Provide digital infrastructure within community owned assets and


All projects must be completed by 30th September 2024. 


A list of current approved projects can be found by following this link: Current Approved Projects. 


How to apply:

Full details of the Prosperous Communities Flintshire – Key Fund can be found in the GUIDANCE NOTES.


To fill in your EOI please Click Here> Expression of Interest Form

(EOI Deadline – Thursday 15th February 2024)

If you’d like to discuss your ideas, please contact:

Cadwyn Clwyd on 01490 340500 or FLVC on 01352 744000