Wavehill social and economic research have been commissioned by Cadwyn Clwyd, on behalf of the Local Action Groups (LAGs) for rural Denbighshire, Flintshire and Wrexham, to undertake an independent evaluation of the LEADER programme in their areas. Essentially, we are looking at how well the programme has been managed and what difference it is making.
We would like your feedback to inform the evaluation of the programme, if you’ve been:
Your input would be very valuable and gratefully received. The questionnaire should take around 15 to 20 minutes to complete, depending of course on how much you have to contribute.
If you have any questions regarding the interview or the evaluation more generally, please contact
Endaf Griffiths at Wavehill (endaf.griffiths@wavehill.com | 01545 571711) or
Adam Bishop, Programme Coordinator, Cadwyn Clwyd (01490 340500) | adam.bishop@cadwynclwyd.co.uk).